Secrets of successful projects: We compile TT for developing web applications
Every year web application development is becoming more and more popular, winning the hearts and minds of not only the developers themselves, but also entrepreneurs who are looking for the most effective solutions for their business. Lots of companies are now ordering the development of such projects, because web applications can easily solve a wide range of tasks.

This quick rise of web-apps popularity is clear to everyone, but still the necessity to write the technical task (TT) for this kind of project often has to be proved. We have several reasons “for” that one cannot argue with.
Having thought through the entire web application step by step and having written every detail on paper, you will be able to detect all the “pitfalls” and immediately take action to prevent them or provide some smart solutions for the future.
Technical task will help you understand how much money you will need to invest in the development of a web application, and will also minimize the likelihood of unexpected problems and therefore additional costs.
TT will provide an opportunity to determine the main stack of technologies that will be used in the project. You will know exactly what specialists to contact.
A good technical task gives you advantages in choosing an executing team. You can write it yourself (if you have this kind of experience) and give the document to several specialists exclusively for development. You can order the writing of TT from one company, and then develop the app with a different team. You can also work with a full-cycle agency, where a team of specialists will transform your idea into a full-fledged project. The choice is yours.

4 steps to creating your web application
Development of web projects is a rather complicated process and it’s already clear that one shouldn’t neglect writing a technical assignment. If you approach the question logically and follow a few simple rules, then creating it will not be a problem.
Getting the whole idea
Before taking active action you need to sit down and think carefully. Why do you need a web application in the first place? What is its main function? What problems will it solve? Clearly define the goals, highlight the most important features of the project and write them down, simultaneously thinking through the logic of interaction between them. Do not try to cram the maximum number of functions into a project following the principle “let’s put there everything we can”. Look at similar services of your competitors, if any. This will help you understand exactly what you need, which elements are important and effective, and which you can easily skip. The ideal web application should have the exact set of functions that will solve your business problems. This part is totally the business owner’s responsibility, because only he knows what his business needs are at this period of time. And if everything is done correctly, the team will be able to save a lot of time at the design and web development stages.
Read also: Secrets of successful projects: developing a technical task for a web-site

Where to begin and what to write about
Before starting the web development itself, we should put everything “on paper”. As there are no two absolutely identical projects, so there are no two identical technical tasks. You have to write a document strictly for your project. If necessary, take experts’ advice. So you can understand which items are the most significant, what should be given maximum attention to, and where it makes no sense to write in full detail. In order to explain the core of the forthcoming work on writing TT, we offer you general recommendations on the sections that are usually used in any project.
- Glossary. Quick reference to the terms so that all participants of creating a web application process understand each other as clearly as possible.
- General info. Here you need to give information about the business sphere, briefly describe the product itself, tell about the main objectives of the development.
- Functional requirements. This is a rather complicated section that should describe the structure and functionality of a web application, all its pages and modules, tell how the user can interact with it.
- Description of pages. One of the best options would be to create a prototype, showing the web application page by page and describing each screen with all the elements on it. Where does this button lead to? Do I need to log in to access this or that function? In this section, the developer will find answers to almost all his questions, as here we describe the work of the final product from A to Z.
- User experience map. As a separate item, you can describe the “paths” of users in the web application, paying particular attention to the points where the main actions are performed. This will help to “walk” through the project, visualize the “journey” of the potential client and understand where and how we can make some positive changes, if needed.
- System requirements. PHP development, system architecture, HTML, JavaScript – all this words sound a bit confusing if you don’t work in the IT sphere. But don’t worry, you don’t have to go into the depths of web development technologies – the executing team or the agency you’re working with will help you with it. They will offer solutions for your project and explain the pros and cons of each option.

Getting down to business
The technical task may also include additional sections that will discuss security, data backup, types of users and access rights, management system, design requirements, etc. The final version of the of the document content you can determine only with your digital company. Just make sure that in the final version of the document you see the exact description of the product you want to get in the result.
The final TT completely satisfies you and the developers? Great! Well, it's time to get to work and turn the project into reality!

Teamwork power
And remember, really worthy projects are created only in the result of close interaction between the customer and the executing company, as well as with the help of a competently composed TT. If you are planning to implement a project for your business, it is not enough just to look for any “cheap enough” digital company website on the Internet and place an order for development. Take the choice of company with the full responsibility. Look at the portfolio – do you like the results of their work? Chat with the team – do they understand your business and the goals you are pursuing? Read the reviews – did you get convinced in their professionalism? Choose those who are trustworthy, whom it is comfortable and easy to work with and the process of creating your project will be fast and efficient.
Good luck with your projects!
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