Case: logo design, branding and marketing kit for the bread business

What is done:
- Logo
- Branding
- Marketing kit

Project outcomes
We have developed a strategy for positioning the company on the market and its interaction with the audience. A manual on visual identification of the brand was also prepared. Well-designed branded elements allowed to increase company recognition and also to conduct effective advertising campaigns. Active use of marketing kit at meetings with potential customers, suppliers and partners enhances the company's credibility and creates favorable conditions for sales.
Complex promotion of the company's products in the CIS region, development of visual materials for identifying the company on the market and presenting its products in the favorable light. Bringing consumers' attention to the brand, creating an image of the company for customers, partners and the public.
The company's business is baking bread by special recipes. At the moment, "Hlebnoye Delo" has regular customers in its hometown. It is required to develop a corporate identity for positioning the company on the country's market and further promotion to the markets abroad.
Active men and women aged 25+, who prefer eating quality and healthy foods. The level of income – average and above average.
Analyzing the brand

The company was analyzed
in the following areas:
- the archetype of the company
- customer portrait
- legend
- brand positioning
- mission
- company philosophy
- advantages of the company

Development of company logo

- - a new unique logo for the company «Hlebnoe Delo» was created
- - minimalistic design appeals to the modern customer
- - the logo is simple for perception and creates necessary associations
- - we developed vertical and horizontal variants for spelling of the company name with the logo
Development of branded stationery

Development of the entry group

Creating a marketing kit

- We developed a marketing kit, which informs the audience about the company, its values, services and products via selling texts and infographics.
Marketing kit solves the following tasks:
- - it is an indispensable help at exhibitions, meetings and presentations
- - it is an effective tool for promotion and advertising
- - it simplifies communication with the market
- - it helps to present the advantages of the company and its differences from competitors to the partner or client in the best possible way

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