Case study: marketing strategy, 2D video and banner for Vestum

What is done:
- Marketing strategy
- 2D video
- Marketing banners

Comprehensive study of the market; analysis of a TA and its needs; analysis of competitive playing field; development of marketing strategy plan; brand positioning; development of advertising strategy. It was important for the client to create differentiation which would literally differentiate the brand on the market and it wouldn’t be necessary to create another sales department for store units.
B2B: owners of store units, sales personnel
Marketing strategy development

- Research of B2B LED lamps market showed that the company belongs to “red ocean”. In order to enlarge a part of the brand’s market, we created USP which differentiate Vestum among rivals.
- Also, we divided TA according to its interests and introduced our unique message for each category. Such approach allowed us to create new customer database and, at the same time, work with the current one and to solve the problems which Vestum could solve. Our main aim was to draw attention to the brand and as a result increase in profits.
- B2B market depends on B2C needs, so shop owners buy only those products which are the best for selling. That’s why with the help of account planning the brand can illustrate the reasons why it’s advantageous for customers to buy Vestum products and how to influence end customers (i. e. we practically taught salesmen to be “agents” of Vestum brand).
2D video development
- We developed 2D animated web-series for advertisement of the product and the company and for using it inside the company. Taking into consideration company branding, TA interests, language of communication and corporate identity, we created videos which fulfilled all the necessary advertising duties.
Development of marketing banners

- The client turned to us again to create banners for remarketing which are used for increasing media outreach in internet.

Vestum is a massive project which required maximal detalization and competence. Taking into consideration the difficulties of the market of LED lamps in Ukraine, we had a complicated task. Deep analysis of the market let us accurately determine the advantages of the brand and, basing on it, to create a productive brand platform. Proper USP and segmentation of TA will let the client collaborate with end customers better. Specifically, segmentation and detection weaknesses of each group help the brand to communicate with the TA and offer currently central products and business arrangements.
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