Situational marketing: a long dozen of creative halloween ads
Situational marketing helps brands to stand out. Producing creative ads or catching hype waves increases brand’s recognisability and boosts the sales.
Today we’ll talk about the best ad campaigns dedicated to the spookiest time of the year – Halloween.
Halloween inspires advertisers to come up with absolutely unexpected ideas. We have made a compilation of the most creative ads of 2018:
1. Burger Kind induced nightmares in its customers with its new burger.

David Miami launched a campaign with a green whopper, and studies have shown that it can cause nightmares. So if you want to be spooked, Bon Appétit!
2. Nike updated the design of their Kyrie 4 sneakers, and dedicated it to R.L. Stine’s “Goosebumps”. They also launched a Halloween model of Air Force 1 Low.

3. Each October, Fanta surprises customers with a new design. This company is known for its limited Halloween offers. Graphics was designed by Mattson Creative in California.

4. Sainsbury’s, a British network of grocery stores, produced a commercial with a singing jack-o-lantern. It tells spooky stories and promotes the holiday items.
5. McDonald’s surprised everyone with clever wordplay in its holiday slogan: “Trick. Treat. Win!”.

6. Perrier suggested to be a bottle of water for Halloween. Anyone could try the costume on, as it was a new filter on Snapchat.

7. It’s better together! Red is glad they “survived” the Halloween party, and Yellow doesn’t notice that he became a ghost.
8. Asda, a British supermarket network, always plays off Halloween in their October ads. This year, the commercial demonstrates a huge selection of costumes for just 7 pounds.
9. “Trick or treat!”
First, Milky Way launched "Sorry I was eating a Milky Way” campaign, and then created the #NotSorry hashtag. All of this just to draw attention to their candies before Halloween.

10. Nowadays, people can’t live without coffee, and the most popular brand in the world – Starbucks – prepared a Witch’s Brew Frappuccino. It’s scary how delicious it is.

11. Ukrainian fan-page Mi Ukraine launched special holiday offers during the Halloween night and attracted users with a themed challenge.

12. Don’t know which costume to choose? Google comes to the rescue. It’s so easy to search the latest trends and become the Halloween hero at your party.
These are just the few examples of creative Halloween ads, which became viral. As we can see, situational marketing allows brands to get closer to its target audience. Ukrainian advertisement market is not as saturated as American and European markets, hence marketers and creative directors have limitless opportunities to reach their target audiences.
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