Video advertising on social media — trends of 2019
Media advertising, as a rule, is divided into classical (on TV, radio, in newspapers, magazines) and internet advertising. Online commercials each year become more and more popular means of promotion, gradually replacing television and printed media. You will undoubtedly agree that social networks apart from being a service for communication and entertainment, are confidently becoming one of the most effective instruments for business promotion.
Innovative ad formats, such as video in social networks, stimulate the growth of global media advertising on average by 14% per year. The amount of money spent by advertisers on video commercials grows in direct proportion to users' interest in this segment. People start to consume information faster, new technologies constantly improve the quality of communication and this means that video content will become more and more popular.
"By 2019 advertising in social networks will grow by 20%, and video advertising – by 21%," says a recent study by Zenithmedia.
The number of advertising via online video on social networks is growing the most rapidly, because the attention of consumers is concentrated there. Thus, advertisers can reach even the most remote audience and get excellent results. After all, if your target audience spends most of the time in social networks, then you should be there too.

Video ads on social networks. What is the advantage?
Targeting. Today it is difficult to find a person who is an active Internet user and at the same time is not registered in any of social networks. Providing personal information (place of residence, profession, gender, age, interests), people give advertisers all the necessary data for the most accurate targeting. It can not only increase the effectiveness of advertising, but also save a lot of money.
Involvement. According to statistics, a person spends about 2 hours a day in social networks, reading news and their friends’ new posts, and also looking through ads, that show up in the news-feed from time to time. Videos in social networks attract more attention, thus providing good involvement of the audience.

Interactivity. In social networks it’s very easy for a potential customer to perform the action you need. Getting more information or making a purchase is only one or two clicks away – without having to remember the phone number or googling the company's website. Moreover, all the likes and shares will contribute to even greater audience coverage.
Editing. It only takes a little effort for an advertiser to edit his post at any moment – from text to the video itself. This allows you to quickly adapt to changes or correct mistakes, if they were noticed after the publication.
Analysis. Measuring the effectiveness of an advertising campaign is also quite easy – just look through the statistics. You will receive detailed information on everything: starting from your Fb page or company website visits and up to the number of people who watched the video.
Innovativeness. The largest social networks have long understood – they are the future. That is why they pay great attention to active development of advertising tools, improving and revealing new ways of brands and audience interaction.
Why video?
Talking about the advantages of videos over images can take quite a long time. Here are the main reasons why you should try out online video commercials.
- Video is able to convey emotions and mood better than the image. The great power of influence on the viewer is the main advantage.
- From the earliest childhood people are attracted to bright colors and moving objects. This happens unconsciously. That's why a beautiful video immediately attracts our attention.
- Videos offer us a great number of creative possibilities. With the help of editing, various effects, infographics and memorable characters we can tell a whole story and completely captivate the viewer.
- Video provides the viewer with maximum amount of information and takes minimum efforts. This availability of material and ease of perception makes video one of the most effective promotional tools.
Instagram and Facebook – what’s gonna happen

According to the portal Statista, the number of purchases via mobile phone or tablet is constantly growing. Social networks, especially Instagram, Facebook and YouTube played a big part in this. You would agree, that it is much more convenient to do everything in one place – follow the news, communicate and buy some stuff.
"Today about 52% of people would make purchases on the Internet using a mobile device rather than a computer or laptop"
That is why every year social networks are becoming more convenient for advertising products, sales and brands promotion. In 2019 Facebook and Instagram will certainly continue their active development in this direction.
In 2016 Instagram announced the development of the built-in service "Purchases in Instagram." Today, this new functionality is gradually being introduced in an increasing number of countries. It’s interesting to see what’s happening next!
Within the project Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research (FAIR) Facebook has been working for several years on recognizing not only faces, but also objects in the photo. This technology can be used for sorting photos by categories, as well as for targeting and recommendations. Analyzing the photos shared by users of the network, system will be able to collect new data for Facebook statistics and will become an extremely useful tool for advertising.
Is video advertising an expensive pleasure?
Video production is immediately associated with sky-high sums of money. But you should know, that video advertising is not as expensive as it seems at first glance. Videos can be different and their cost directly depends on format (live filming, 3D, character animation or doodle video), timing, complexity of work, the number of specialists involved and so on. The main things are your competent approach, cooperation with professionals and a clear goal to create a quality video that will be relevant to your target audience.
Video advertising on social networks definitely won’t lose its popularity in 2019. It’s a modern tool for promotion, the effectiveness of which beats all records. Try it for your business and soon you’ll see the results!
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